Every year the responsibility for the implementation of the Social Day is taken on by six young people, who are doing a voluntary service. In our office in Neumünster they manage our work in Germany, together with our team in Berlin. Volunteers work in six different working areas. The special thing about volunteers at Schüler*innen Helfen Leben is, that they are not just helpers, but take responsibility and can implement their personal ideas and projects.

The possibility to work as part of a young, engaged team with friendly and open minded people inside and outside of the organization, companies and media representatives, is hardly available a second time. Next to big events like general assemblies there is a 2 week project visit in Southeast Europe at the beginning of the voluntary service, in order to get to know the projects supported by SHL.

The office is located in the centre of Neumünster – a city of 80.000 inhabitants, close to Hamburg and both the North and Baltic sea. All volunteers share two flats very close to the office.

On the following pages you can inform about the offered voluntary jobs and find all necessary information about the service and the application procedure.


In the following videos our former Income Volunteers Dobrila and Dzana share some of the experience they made during their voluntary service in Neumünster: