Further information and application details
Here you can find all the information about the income voluntary service and application process. If you have any questions, you can contact Johanna Wunram or ask the current volunteers in Neumünster.
You can find the application form for the voluntary service from summer 2025 here!
What we offer
- Duration: 13 Months (middle of July 2025 until middle of August 2026)
- Location: SHL Office in Neumünster (Schleswig-Holstein, Northern Germany)
- Payment of a monthly allowance
- SHL offers a central appartment and covers all costs
- 26 vacation days
- SHL covers costs for the obligatory health insurance, visa and other necessary expenses in preparation of the voluntary service and accompanies the required administrative measures
- payment of the costs for one return journey to your hometown at a freely chosen time during your voluntary service
- Pedagogical support during the voluntary service
- Participation in a preparation, midterm and final seminar and the opportunity to participate in further internal and external trainings
- a two-week trip to our project partners in Southeastern Europe
- an intriguing and dynamic working environment and creative freedom for own ideas
- an interesting job profile with a high variety of tasks
- a young and motivated team valuing youth participation and voluntary work
Our volunteers take responsibility for all activities of our work in Germany after a four week preparation phase with the former volunteers and the staff of SHL. Afterwards they mainly work independently in the Neumünster office but can rely on their colleagues support at any time. They have enough freedom to set their own impulses and amend and improve their projects.
You should have
Depending on which position you want to apply, different skills and competences are necessary. Very important are in general:
- Ability to work in a team and willingness to compromise
- Self-confidence and responsibility
- Empathy and tolerance
- Interest in working with youth
For the successful participation within the voluntary service the applicant should have experience in voluntary/youth participation or engagement (e.g. student councils, youth organizations). Experiences in planning and conduction workshops/seminars as well as the confident interaction with youth groups.
Here you find the description of the jobs.
Special requirements for volunteers from abroad within the Incoming Program:
According to state regulations an incoming volunteer necessarily needs to have his permanent residence outside Germany and German may not be his native language. Further the volunteer may not have spent more than six months continuously/without interruption in Germany within the last five years.
The applicant should be between about 18 and 23 years and have a good command of German language. This means at least level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (which does not have to be proved by certificate). SHL will financially and organizationally care for a perspective of gaining further language skills before and during the voluntary service.
Necessary administrative measures for the granting process of a residence permit and the recognition process for the driver’s license will be accompanied by Schüler Helfen Leben. All expenses will be covered.